Go For The Goal--Get The Right Outdoor Basketball Hoop System

Basketball goals, hoops and systems refer to the same set up. This includes a goal featuring a backboard, a rim, net, and a supporting pole. There are several factors to consider for this including size and installation among other things. These factors determine how well your goal system will perform and how much it will cost you over time. Read on further to understand the initial planning phases you’ll need to go through before you finally purchase the right outdoor basketball hoop for you.

First Things First
There are two main kinds of outdoor basketballhoops. These are wall-mounted basketball hoops and in-ground basketball hoops. The wall-mounted hoops are anchored to a solid structure at a certain height in the backyard or above the driveway. The in-ground basketball hoops are directly installed into the ground. One requires a flat surface adjacent to a paved driveway (or other paved surface), which is the best location for an in-ground hoop The in-ground hoops are fastened into their base in the ground with the help of cement. These take up little space and provide for great play.

Size Matters
The right size matters when it comes to proper installation. Some people will need a 44-inch backboard, which is ideal for teens and kids. For adults, small sizes do not cut it. What they require is a backboard that is at least 54 inches. If you want the best performance, you can use the regulation-sized 72-inch backboards. 

The rims also matter a lot. Adults and teens often enjoy swinging from the rims after they get a good shot. This means the hoops should be well-equipped to handle their weight. If this is not so, the backboard might shatter under pressure.

Goal heights also matter. Goals that have a height of less than 7.5 feet would not meet ASTM (American Society of Testing and Materials) safety requirements. It states that the goals must be at least 7.5 feet from the ground for preventing player impact. This is because collisions may lead to serious injuries.

It is important to reach out to experienced sales team personnel to find out some of the best choices for an outdoor basketball hoop, both in terms of safety and getting quality products at the right price. Reach out to basketballhoop to find a great range of excellent outdoor basketball hoops.
